You can be part of Just Zilch for times to come by leaving us a gift in your will – It’s called a bequest, and you can even decide how it is spent.
Already have a Will? If you would like to include a bequest to Just Zilch in your existing Will, you can make a simple modification by adding a codicil (a codicil is a supplement to a Will that is intended to alter or modify it). To make sure your codicil is legal, we recommend it is checked and approved by a legal advisor.
Preparing your Will? A Will is an important legal document, so it is important to discuss options and specific wording with your legal advisor to make sure your Will reflects your wishes clearly, giving specific guidance on how you want your assets and personal belongings distributed when you die.
What do I write to make a bequest? Feel free to copy and paste the below and include in your instruction to your lawyer or the Public Trust. Note Just Zilch’s Charitable Trust name is The Free Store Palmerston North:
I give (the sum of $_____________ or ____________% of my estate, or the residue of my estate, or description of assets or property) free of all charges, to The Free Store Charitable Trust (CC49139). The official receipt of the General Manager or other authorised officer of the Trust is an absolute discharge to my executors."
Do you want to have a say in how your bequest is spent? You may choose to leave your bequest freely, i.e. ‘no strings attached’, so that Just Zilch can apply the funds in the areas where they are most needed, or you can specify where you would like the funds to be spent – i.e. general operations or towards the purchase of a new van.
While there’s no requirement to tell us that you’re leaving a bequest to Just Zilch – we’d love to be able to say thank-you. And, it also helps in the event that your Will is challenged, as we’ll be better able to demonstrate the relationship which means it’s more likely that your wishes will be followed.
Be reassured. Just Zilch handles bequests with the strictest confidence. We will respect your wishes if you choose to remain anonymous.
If you have any questions, please contact us: Give Rebecca Culver a call on 022 597 2569 or email her on [email protected]
Thank-you for considering Just Zilch – with your help we can create a community that won’t let anyone go hungry.